Bonanza Card
Our 2021-2022 Bonanza Card is available now! We have partnered with local Tucson businesses for great offers, listed below. You can purchase the card directly from the Chorus office, online, or directly from a current chorister.
Lube, Oil, & Filter - Conventional Oil - as low as $19.95
Includes up to 5 quarts of Conventional 5w20 or 5w30 oil and filter change and tire rotation.
Lube, Oil, & Filter - Full Synthetic Oil - as low as $49.95
Includes up to 5 quarts of Full Synthetic 0w20, 5w20, or 5w30 oil and filter change and tire rotation.
All oil change services include a 22-point vehicle inspection!
Free 1/2 dozen garlic knots with purchase over $20.
15% off orders over $30, food only.
Offer only valid on orders placed with the restaurant directly in person or over the phone. Card must be present at time of payment. No online orders or deliveries for this offer.
One free admission, not including skate rental.
Cannot be used for fundraisers or special events.
One free original ingredient in a Stromboli or large calzone.
Not valid on delivery or other offers.
$3 off a Christmas Tree at our Christmas Tree Lot.
$3 off two tickets for any concert.